Saturday 9 March 2013

Breaking life long habits

It's so funny how we quickly become very familiar with our situation or surroundings, I've been in India now for 3 days and it already feels like I've been here forever (in  good way of course). Got me thinking about all the habits I have, the things I do all the time without even thinking about it. Also got me thinking about the habitual thoughts things you say to your self over and over again in your minds positive but often more negative. One of the hardest things we can do is break these habits, try and do things differently, train our brains to act differently.

Today during our training we entered into the more philosophical side of yoga. Often the side no one is really interested in or it scares people of  chakaras and energy. This raised the most questions from the group as people began to think about the energies they hold within there body. I won't go into the full background of chakaras, but they are basically 7 energy points dotted down the center line of the body, the idea is that we clear each chakra point to be able to allow pure energy (sometimes called prana) to move out through the top chakra the eye or so that we can reach a point of Kundalini. At this point we are clear minded and I guess at peace. 

It was suggested that many of us have blockages in some parts of the body which can be related back to a chakra energy point and often these blockages are created due to the actions we take with our physical bodies (eating junk food, drinking, smoking etc) and mental bodies (thinking negative thoughts etc). With this it was suggested that common ailments and diseases of the body are created due to the negative energy we create within, due to the actions we take. So one of the examples was that an over wight person from a physical point of view is overweight because they eat a lot. However they eat a lot due to negative thoughts they have or a traumatic experience which has blocked once of their chakra points, if they were to work on that chakra point it would help them over come their over eating problem and in turn lose weight.

Now how much of this you want to believe actually works is up to you, I believe we are all energy, matter and as a result connected to the universe in some way as we all exist as the same matter when you take it down to particles (energy). However to go as far as to say that meditating on a chakra point will cure the obese, or cancer I think maybe going a little far for me, bu surely this is just the same or a least similar to praying? Maybe though that's just me being cynical as usual which is a habit I'm going to try and shake off.

So in the next few days we will be practicing chakra meditation, we have been warned that there may be some unusual reactions emotionally and possibly physically as a result, so lets have it. If chakra mediation can cure my hay fever or stop me from getting Delhi belly or even malaria (I have been bitten some much and I haven't been taking any malaria medication, possible #fail) then all the better!

Lets all try and break a habit today could change your life for the better!

(Image courtesy of

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