Tuesday 3 December 2013

The only thing that can save me from myself is yoga!

Tuesday night. The end of two very challenging days. New job (not loving it), living in a new country , not loving my commute, feeling a little alone like no one really understands. Been running over a meeting I had with my boss over and over again, how I could have presented my ideas better instead of just ranting about my frustrations! As I brush my teeth to round of the day without even really thinking this is what comes into my mind as if by divine intervention....."The only thing that can save me from myself is yoga".

I moved to Canada 7 months ago now and have been in this new job for 6 months and since I started my yoga practise has suffered. I no longer teach as the studio I as teaching at closed down and my personal practice is little more than a passing thought most days. I'm not sure why I've felt such an aversion to practising, I've never found it easy doing my own practice but I always felt like I had to, not out of guilt or routine but because my body felt like it needed it and cried out for some hatha or rocket! But since this new job, this new country my new life, things have changed. My base has changed and I feel like nothing is in the right place any more.

Today was the first day the calling happened, my body’s natural calling for yoga. I'm a thinker; I will think things over as much as a cow chews grass, which can be frustrating and tiresome. I think both my bran and body have had enough of the thinking and need some action, the right action. So as I come into my headstand, engage my breath and mula bandha I feel like a heavy weight is lifted, or just fallen as I'm now upside down. All the issues are still there but they just aren't as important any more.....time to start building my path again and get back on my yoga wagon!

Happy practice to one and all, and remember all it takes is 5 minutes on your mat, no ones asking for the world!

Here is a little inverted inspiration from the great and beautiful Lake Louise, Alberta.

1 comment:

  1. Aww sorry to hear that things aren't going so well. Keep at it - you're a strong soul! xx
